Boat Lettering Prices          
Minimum vinyl cutting charge $35. Prices are based on names up to 12 letters long - in stock colors. For non-stock colors add $23 per color
Prices are based on overall character height including descenders (i.e. g,j,p,q,y,z)
Letter Size Price                           1st & addl copies Shadow Price                             (add for 1st & addl copies) Outline Price                                      (add for 1st & addl copies) Arched Lettering Price Addl' Letters Price                            for each letter over 12 add
  1st copy Add'l exact copies 1st copy Add'l exact copies 1st copy Add'l exact copies
1" 20.00 10.00 24.00 18.00 20.00 12.00 BASED   ON      OVERALL   HEIGHT  (EX. 4" letters arched to 10 overall - use 10" price) 1.00
2" 25.00 12.50 30.00 22.50 25.00 15.00 1.50
3" 30.00 15.00 36.00 27.00 30.00 18.00 2.20
4" 40.00 20.00 48.00 36.00 40.00 24.00 2.50
5" 45.00 22.50 54.00 40.50 45.00 27.00 2.95
6" 55.00 27.50 66.00 49.50 55.00 33.00 4.40
7" 65.00 39.00 78.00 58.50 65.00 39.00 5.20
8" 75.00 45.00 90.00 67.50 75.00 45.00 5.40
9" 80.00 48.00 96.00 72.00 88.00 52.80 6.25
10" 90.00 54.00 108.00 81.00 99.00 59.40 7.00
11" 100.00 60.00 120.00 90.00 110.00 66.00 7.75
12" 110.00 66.00 132.00 99.00 121.00 72.60 8.90
13" 122.00 73.20 146.40 109.80 134.20 80.52 10.10
15" 144.00 86.40 172.80 129.60 158.40 95.04 14.00
17" 168.00 100.80 201.60 151.20 184.80 110.88 18.00
Imit. Gold Leaf / Mylar Lettering add 50% to total
23k Gold Leaf quoted on request
3" State Registration Nos $35.00 (2 sets)
Slant Shadow
No charge
Outline Arched
Layouts / Artwork            
Artwork/Cleanup  $60/hr
File Import $20/min
Scanning - min. charge $20/min
Emailed/faxed Layouts/Samples $20/min (1st Layout free on orders over $50)
Cut vinyl graphics - minimums      
Graphics - Simple one color Silhouette Does not include graphic import, setup, scanning, etc
Up to 100 sq in.  $25.00
101 to 200 sq in. $35.00
201 to 350 sq in. $45.00
351 to 500 sq in $65.00
Min charge at FH and SYC $90.00 (includes 1 hour on location/marina)
Min charge at RH, SH, CSJ $140.00 (includes 1 hour on location/marina)
Hourly rate(out of shop) $75.00
(FH=Friday Harbor Marina   SYC=Ship Yard Cove    RH=Roche Harbor Marina   SH=Snug Harbor   CSJ=Cape San Juan)
The Sign Company,Inc.  301 Tucker Ave #6,  Friday Harbor, WA 98250
Email:   (360) 378-5603     FAX (360) 378-0903
Prices subject to change